Restaurant, Kiosk. Cafe, Bar and Retail Shop designer
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When choosing one product over another, the design of the packaging will influence your decision far more than most people realize.
Effective packaging design should allow the product a unique edge to stand out from the rest and often breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that most people are familiar with seeing.
The packaging should trigger the desired emotions in your customer and must appeal to your target market. It’s also vital to ensure that you’re conveying the necessary information about the contents and quality of the product in a clear and inviting design on the product packaging.
Packaging design is one of our specialties and we are experts in taking the design to a final finished art file which is print ready giving you piece of mind that you will not have problems with our files when they go to your packaging printer.
Established 1991 • Boutique Design Studio
• Restaurant designer • Kiosk designer • Cafe designer • Bar designer • Shop designer • Interiors & Branding
Phone: (03) 9533 5829 or Email:[email protected]
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